Marilyn Monroe, oil on linen, 42”X48”, 2018, private collection, Canada

Marilyn Monroe: Searching Beyond the Femme Fatale

Marilyn Monroe, oil on linen, 42”X48”, 2018, private collection, Canada Marilyn Monroe: Searching Beyond the Femme FataleWho is the woman behind the femme fatale with blond curls and sensuous curves, a sex symbol desired by millions of glaring eyes, even after her death? 

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mathieu laca commission

A Commissioned Portrait Destroyed in Transit?

This is the story of what happened when one of my commissioned portraits was reported “destroyed” by Mexican customs.

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Mathieu Laca in E-Squared Magazine

Featured in E-Squared Magazine

Art and science have different methods but they share profound ties: being curious about the world we live in.

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Vincent Van Gogh III, oil on linen, 2017

Where My Van Gogh Portrait Came From (And Where It Ended Up)

Vincent Van Gogh III, oil on linen, 2017 Where My Van Gogh Portrait Came From (And Where It Ended Up)There is a stark contrast between Van Gogh’s red-headed lumberjack face, his rural mannerism and the extraordinary sophistication of his coloured dream world. When I painted him, I wanted to reconcile this duality. 

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Anonymous Self-Portrait - Mathieu Laca

Anonymous Self-Portraits

Anonymous Self-portrait III, oil on linen, 36″X54″, 2018 Anonymous Self-Portraits“Show me your original face before you were born” asks a Zen master in a koan.A friend sent me this sentence and it has been haunting me for months, like a secret and unflinching calling.

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